序: 不能被撲滅的旅行之火 / Prologue: The inextinguishable flame

序: 不能被撲滅的旅行之火
Prologue: The inextinguishable flame

In the summer of 2012, I went to a round-Taiwan bicycle trip with my friend Gabriel, who I knew him since I was small and playing bicycle together in our housing estate. The trip is also his university graduation trip and after yelling "Let's round-Tai", we've started the journey with our rental bike without hesitation.

回港後重拾書本(基本上只是把首頁設回Google.com =.=")完成最後一年大學課程。才剛開課一個月已心癢難止,我這才醒悟到原來心中那渴望遊歷之火早已不能被撲滅。
I came back to Hong Kong for my final year in the university. But in the lectures I was thinking about travelling to other countries with my Giant TCR Road Bike.I knew the flame of bike-travelling to other countries is already inextinguishable...

2013年春阿奴決心抓來2個野生的好友-阿武與梅梅到日本騎行,誓要在自己被家庭和事業給束縛之前越騎越遠,並把自己的遊歷放在這個blog回味 (最好給有心人一個參照,讓他們不要犯下一樣的錯誤)。為免懶惰的阿奴忘了寫遊記,今天!一個月前的今天!我一定要把這個第一篇完成!
It's my turn for a graduation trip, 2 of my friends were being caught to accompany me to my next stop - Japan (Yeah, what a selfish arse I am, ain't I? ^^v). I'm planing to compose this blog during the journey so as to remain a wonderful memory and also to provide references to those who want to ride in Japan.Since I'm afraid that the lazy me will give up this thinking I have to kick off right now one month before the trip by writing this very first piece of thread... Let's start with introducing the journey plan:

It'll begin from Osaka (Kansai) to Sapporo (Hokkaido), if you're not familiar with the geography of Japan, here's a map...

"W-Wait a minute, 2,000km of trip, are you f**king kidding me?"
"Hell yes, I'm not even sure whether I could get my body back to HK... If you see my corpse at the corner of the road in Japan, please tell my mom that I love her... TvT"


2 則留言:

  1. wow....很期待你的update!

    1. 多謝支持!
      抱歉! 回來後太多事忙,現在才抽得出空寫. 希望有恆心地寫下去吧!
