I'll depart on 4th June and be back on 6h July... Well, that means I'll have 34 days there...
2,200 km / 34days = 64.7 km一天,加上山路和大城市的停留,我猜一天大概要100km吧...
2,200 km / 34days = 64.7 km/day. By reserving some times for big cities and uphill sections, 100km/day should be fair...
為了知道自己可否平安回來,特意在出發前一個月在港測試。於是, 在這個不冷不熱而又陰晴不定的4月底,我和阿武來個著名的香港大冷小試牛刀!
Be frank, I'm really, really afraid of not able to get back to hk, as a result, I've to test myself how long could I travel a month beforehand... 29th April, on this unstable weather day, I started the test with Kamo.
所謂"大冷" ,就是英文"Big Round"的廣東話音譯,從大圍出發經大埔、大尾篤、新娘潭、鹿頸、粉嶺、落馬洲、元朗、屯門、黃金海岸、深井、荃灣、葵涌繞新界一周,長約100公里。我和阿武身為觀塘人,當然就從觀塘出發,於是自行加入西貢和馬鞍山作checkpoint,多走個20里。
The famous route is called "Big Round" in Hong Kong. It's start from Tai Wai, via Tai Po, Bride's Pool Road, Luk Keng, Fanling, Lok Ma Chau, Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, the Golden Coast, Tsuen Wan and will be finished at Kwai Chung that surrounding the whole New Territories. As residences of Kowloon, we decided to start from Kowloon Bay and added two checkpoints - Sai Kung and Ma On Shan.
09:00 的早餐令我們09:45出發,花了45分鐘就爬到了清水灣道的飛鵝山山腳。
We finished our simple breakfast at 09:45 and started our journey. Spending about 45 minutes, we arrived the foot of Fei Ngo Shan.
This was damn foggy that forcing me and Kamo to retreat back to the pedestrian road.The foggy weather made me recalling the time in Shouka, Taitung last year. You will never find your fingertips within the fog surrounding you on 500 meter altitude. In addition to the scumbag taxi and minibus drivers in Hong Kong, you will definitely protect yourself from death!
At 12:00 we arrived Tai Po with non-stop riding. According to our experience, one should get to Fanling in around 2 hours. Hm... I do want to save time for the testing purpose. Okay, let's fight against starving and rush there.
Let's cheer up to the elderly riders!
There's a climbing section of 400m in Tai Mei Tuk that riding bicycle is prohibited. Well, just take a rest by walking our bikes up!
Now we could resume by here!
If you told me the fire danger signal shouldn't be low today, you're a liar.
There's only a few cars passing by during weekend. It seems the whole road was mine, hooray!
(Hey, watch out dude! Keep your awareness~~~)
Um... I think most Hong Kongers seldom come to the countryside and enjoy the view? I'd never thought of taking gorgeous photos like these in cloudy days.
14:00,神仙都沒算得那麼準,我們到了粉嶺。窮孩子就是這樣,把兩個 $8的豬柳蛋漢堡趕進胃裡後,我們又草草上路。真不敢想像到日本如是的話會有多沒趣!
Yea, we arrived Fanling in 14:00 as predicted. As a poor guy, spending $16 for 2 Sausage Mcmuffin with eggs will be the most suitable. Eliminating them within 10 minutes, we continue our test trip... Gosh! Can't imagine how boring it is if it's the same when we get to Japan.
We're on the way to Yuen Long. Okay, here's another challenge - Container trucks?! Do you wanna test your emotion by riding aside from the loooooong container truck? I would like to quit if I could......
The prediction was even more precise than the weather forecast. At 16:00 we arrived Yuen Long.
Passing thru Siu Hong...
Here's a man selling the veg from his tricycle, very interesting....
Within an hour, we arrived Tuen Mun.
The river of Tuen Mun is so stinky, shame on you Hong Kongers....
Thru Castle Peak Road we arrived Siu Lam. This is a meaningful photo as we achieved 100km/day at that time. More importantly, it's still daytime! (Daddy and Mommy, you're now granted a little chance to see your son again 2 months later lol)
As a High Diploma student who studied Shipping Logistics, for sure I need to take a photo of MSTI (Maritime Services Training Institute)!
Sham Tseng!
Jesus, we're finally arrived Tsuen Wan West and the sun was not yet set, whew! An annoying fact is that my bottom was in pain. Looks like I'm going to buy Vaseline for Japan trip!
thanks for support.........
回覆刪除Very clever! Test run is so important